Briquetting Technologies

A)  High-pressure briquetting of iron ore fines (0-2 mm) to make sponge iron in the rotary kilns & to make pig iron in the blast furnaces –

Briquetting is an agglomeration process, similar to pelletizing or sintering, but without the need for thermal processing. Briquetting has several advantages, such as lower agglomeration temperatures, higher flexibility, lower waste generation, lower operating and capital costs and lower pollution, as compared to sintering or pelletisation.

In addition to iron ore fines, briquetting can also be used for bauxite, dolomite, limestone, manganese and chrome ore fines; sponge iron fines etc….. Click here for more details

b)   High-pressure briquetting of sponge iron fines (0-3 mm) to improve its melting performance in the induction furnace / electric arc furnace –

Sponge iron briquettes can be advantageously used in place of sponge iron fines (0-3 mm size) for melting. With higher density up to 5 grams/cc, they penetrate deeper into the induction furnace / electric arc furnace & melt completely. In the presence of adequate carbon in the melt, most of the FeO in the sponge iron briquettes will get converted into Fe.

Use of sponge iron briquettes in place of sponge iron fines will result in higher steel recovery, lower energy consumption, lower cost of melting, lower slag formation & higher lining life…….. Click here for more details

Click here to download the catalogue on high pressure briquetting of iron ore fines and sponge iron fines